Arctic Imagination for
The Royal Danish Library
The Royal Danish Library asked me to art direct and design a book that gathered all the projects they did on the theme: Arctic Imagination. The book Arctic Imagination is basically a tribute to the ice. It has grown out of the project's many events, live talks, exhibitions, performances - and not least all the library collections, which the Royal Danish Library has invited artists, thinkers and writers to be inspired by.
The libraries' collections of the world's treasures about the Arctic of the past have played a decisive role in the book. Heart-rending diaries, amazing photographs, enlightening card records and moving letters, all of which testify to a historic and lasting fascination of the cold north. Historically, it has been fatal to move on the ice in the Arctic, but the urge to explore the polar regions was so great that you were taking on expeditions with life as an effort.
The mighty and dangerous ice of the past stands in stark contrast to today's melting ice. The Arctic is in the midst of a dramatic transformation and rests today on a fragile foundation. In this book you can experience a collection of visions and tales about the importance of ice for man through hundreds of years.